2023 Corporate Leadership Catalog

Women in Leadership Mentoring Experience Over the 12-month programduration, participantsworkwith an internal executive mentor to set andwork towards development goals aligned with their career goals. Time commitment is driven by participant as they work towards goals on their own, with their leader, andwith their mentor.

Mentoring Relationship

It is recommended tomeet 1-2 hours per month to build rapport and discuss goal progression. The foundation of the programis the mentorship and should be prioritized. 4 virtual trainingswill occur during the first 6 weeks of the program. They will develop key skills as a mentee andmaximize the benefits of mentorship. Progress surveys administered throughout the year measure goal and relationship progress. Resource modules are curated based survey outcomes. The guidebooks provide self-service information to foster a successful mentorship includingassessment tools and templates to utilize year- round.

Virtual Training Series

Progress Surveys and Resource Modules

Mentor/Mentee Guidebooks

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