2023 Corporate Leadership Catalog
Leadership training opportunities for BorgWarner salaried employees.
2023 Corporate Leadership Development Catalog
Participant Success Process As development remains a continuous element of the yearly employee experience, it is understood that the corporate leadership development programs are socialized in the same manner. Actual attendanceand nominations, should be consideredwith the following process flow in mind. Awareness 20+ weeks • Socialize programswith leadership, talent directors, etc. • Can share with employees as potential development opportunity but not as a guarantee. Nominate 15 weeks • Preliminary nominations. • Share with potential participants and their managers as a basis for confirming employee ability to participate (ie. workload, timing, etc.) Invite 12 weeks • Nominations due and finalized. • Invitations sent from leaders with detailed follow up fromTCH team. • Onsite programs: Travel documentation administered. Engage 10 weeks • Onsite programs: Travel documentation due • Access to technical/learning platforms detailed (if applicable). Participants expected to test navigation, passwords, etc. and flag any discrepancies to administrators. Prepare 4-6 weeks • Provide high level agenda to participants • Detail and administer pre-work (if applicable) • Onsite programs: provide recommendation for appropriate attire as needed. Kickoff 0-2 weeks • Reminders to participants • What to expect and what is expected of them • Resend events/calendar holds • Provide detailed agenda (onsite programs: hour by hour) • Completion of remaining prework (if applicable )
2023 Development Click title to navigate directly to that program’s information. Navigate back to this page by selecting the home button at the top of any page. Nominations can be completed by clicking the ‘Nominate Now’ button at the top of each programpage.
Target Audience
Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1
Q2 Q3 Q4
Plant Managers, Vice Presidents
Sr. Directors, Directors
Admired Leadership @ Indy
Women’s Executive Forum
Boost Your Growth (22-23 active)
BYG (24-26 cohort)
Directors, Senior Managers
Admired LeadershipDigital
Women in LeadershipMentoring
Early to Mid career with leadershipor functional expert potential
LevelUp Your Leadership*
Women Rising
Women Rising
LevelUp Your Leadership
LevelUp Your Leadership enhancesworking styles by building on the leadershipand culture of BorgWarner. It lays the foundation for self- reflect, resource toolbox expansion, global peer collaboration, and Belief Behaviors applications over the 3-month programduration. Through virtual/online delivery, it empowers participants to: • Develop leadership soft skills aligned to BorgWarner’s Beliefs and Behaviors • Leverage commonly used leadership development tools froma BorgWarner lens such as GlobeSmart, Spark Learning, and Workday. • Cultivate a growth mindset to propel personal and organizational goals. Audience • First-time managers,
managerswith direct reports, ready to be promoted leaders • Indirect leaders • New hires that have been with BorgWarner for at least six months Registration 125 seat capacity per cohort and is ‘first come first serve’. Manager approval required.
Cost $245 USD per participant
Our LevelUp focus
LevelUp Your Leadership Experience
Learningoutcomes are influenced by self accountability and engagement in programelements. Leveraging the reflection tools, learning elements, collaborationwith peers, and includingparticipantmanagers in development applicationswill enhance the experienceand growth.
Modular components
There are 4 modules to cover the 5 Beliefs. Modules extend over 3-week periodswith a uniformdesign. Participants can expect 90minutes per week to the program. Maintain accountability for attendingand participating in live- virtual sessions promptly. Be team oriented and connected as session requires cohort collaboration. Meet with assigned small group once per module. Participants are given guided prompts and pre- meeting assignments to stimulate development relevant discussion. Using Spark Learning, GlobeSmart, Pulse andWorkday, participants complete online, self-paced assignments. These account for the largest progress towards program completion.
Live-virtual module meetings
Small group meetings and assignments
Self-paced learning curriculum
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Women Rising
Participants explore the differences in howmen andwomen lead and the unique issues thatwomen face. Each woman develops a deeper understanding of her personal style, how to leverage strengths and incorporate habits that support career success. • Identify core strengths and how to leverage them in current and aspiring roles. • Understand common habits that are interfering with goal advancement. • Spark personal development conversations. Participants will leave programhaving formulated a development plan with their coach. Audience
• Earlier in career women • Leadership or functional expert potential • Would benefit from focused career conversations and development planning Registration 20 seat capacity per cohort and determined throughmanager nomination to BU Talent Director.
Cost $5095 USD per participant
Partner: BenchStrength Coaching
Women Rising Experience
Over the 4-month programduration, participantsworkwith an external mentor-coach to craft a personal development plan in alignment with their habits, strengths, andcareer goals. Collaborative cohort sessions, participants establish an internal and global network earlier in their career.
1:1 Executive Coaching
Participantswork with a mentor- coach to develop deeper self- awareness, anda clearer understanding of their interpersonal skills and leadership style. Leaning intoparticipant strengths, the Core Strengths assessment identifies paths for overcoming detracting habits in a way that is authentic. Global cohorts convene at 5 points through live-virtual workshops. Attendance is required and recording is not permitted. Small group triads resemble study groups for participants to engage in self-reflection and dialogue personal experiences as they experimentwith new practices from the program.
Core Strengths Assessment
Live-virtual group meetings
Small group triad sessions
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Women in Leadership: Mentoring
Builds on self-awareness and development goals identified in Women Rising. Bolsters the career journey through building internal relationships and further recognizing goals for career progression. • Establish formal and informal networking to help navigate BorgWarner. • Encourage experimentation while evolving a growth mindset and understanding career journey. • Gain feedback from different perspectives outside of direct manager.
Audience • Early/mid career • Has identified development opportunities for self and aligned on career trajectory • Increased leadership or functional expert potential Registration 30 seat capacity per cohort and determined throughmanager nomination to BU Talent Director. Cohort size contingent on mentor availability.
Cost $600 USD per participant
BorgWarner Mentee Guidebook
Women in Leadership Mentoring Experience Over the 12-month programduration, participantsworkwith an internal executive mentor to set andwork towards development goals aligned with their career goals. Time commitment is driven by participant as they work towards goals on their own, with their leader, andwith their mentor.
Mentoring Relationship
It is recommended tomeet 1-2 hours per month to build rapport and discuss goal progression. The foundation of the programis the mentorship and should be prioritized. 4 virtual trainingswill occur during the first 6 weeks of the program. They will develop key skills as a mentee andmaximize the benefits of mentorship. Progress surveys administered throughout the year measure goal and relationship progress. Resource modules are curated based survey outcomes. The guidebooks provide self-service information to foster a successful mentorship includingassessment tools and templates to utilize year- round.
Virtual Training Series
Progress Surveys and Resource Modules
Mentor/Mentee Guidebooks
Nominate Now
Admired Leadership Digital
This customized Admired Leadership®Dialogue programgives leaders exposure to the Admired Leadership®content alongwith conversation among peers to make it come alive and access to online resource for additional behaviors and support. The program is designedwith three primary goals in mind: • To develop leadership using the Admired Leadership® behavioral approach • Exposure to senior leaders • Actionable behaviors on how to drive consistent performance while building loyal followership in your teams.
Audience • Directors and senior managers not in a talent pool. Registration 30 seat capacity per cohort and determined throughmanager nomination to BU Talent Director. Cost $2000 USD per participant
Partner: CRA, Inc.
Admired Leadership Digital Experience
This programtakes place over 6 monthswith self-pacedcomponents and live interactionswith internal peers. Participants immediately receive 1- year full access to self-directed digital library of behaviormodules.
Small Group Coaching
Eachmonth, participants convene to dialogue their applications to the leadershipbehaviors. An executive CRA coach leads the dialogue and guides participants toward action. At each small group coaching meeting, a BorgWarner executive guest joins the group for a question- and- answer session of the month’s module. Self-paced learning that develops leadershipbehaviors. Froman executive lens, modules address followership, motivating and inspiring teams, decisionmaking, and instilling accountability. Participants are given 1-year access to a digital library curated around 100+ leadershipbehaviors and actions to grow within each.
BorgWarner Executive Speakers
Monthly Behavior Modules
Digital Library Access
Admired Leadership @ Indy 500
Interact with internal and external leaders through CRA facilitated discussions; create a rich dialogue; share organizational challenges; exchange innovative ideas and better themselves. • Primarily focused on collaborative and adaptable leadership while managing change and mitigating risk. • Develop actionable behaviors on how to drive consistent performance while building loyal followership in your teams. • Exposure to senior leaders and clients • Actionable behaviors on how to drive consistent performance while building loyal followership in your teams.
Audience • Sr. Directors, Directors in corporate talent pools • Talent considered to be ‘on the cusp’ of new role • Increased leadership or functional expert potential Registration 30 seat capacity per cohort and determined throughmanager nomination to BU Talent Director. Cost $12,000 USD per participant (2023 cost to be validated) Travel not included
Partner: CRA, Inc.
Admired Leadership at Indy Experience This programtakes place at the IndianapolisMotor Speedway in alignment with the Indy 500 race weekend. It also engages participants with a year long subscription to the Admired Leadership digital content as a continuation of the in-person program.
Facilitated Admired Leadership Lessons
Participants are led by CRA experts through an overview of critical leadershipbehaviors applied to the current business environment.
BorgWarner Executive Speakers
BorgWarner executive guest’s join the group for multiple leadership lessons and question-and-answer sessions.
Indy 500 History and Experience
The BorgWarner history and connection is explored through museum & track visits, Indy 500 teamguest speakers, & race day tickets. Participants are given 1-year access to a digital library curatedwith around 100+ leadershipbehaviors and actions to growwithin each.
Digital Library Access
Women’s Executive Forum
The most critical leadership challenge that any diverse or nontraditional talent faces is building a network to cultivate the mentors, allies, and sponsors they need to advance at the same level as their non-diversecounterparts. The Admired Leadership® content will arm thesewomen with the behaviors to help them build relationships andadvocate for themselves. Enabling those relationships is as much the goal as is individual learning. • Provide a venue for sophisticated development discussions with experts and like-minded leaders
• Tackle unique leadership issues in a new way • Network, build relationships and gain visibility • Based on behaviors of Admired Leadership
Audience • Women in senior leadership positions (grade 15 or higher) in one of the corporate talent pools or considered to have potential. Registration # seat capacity per cohort and determined throughmanager nomination to BU Talent Director. Cost 2023 TBD
Partner: CRA, Inc.
Women’s Executive Forum Experience This programtakes place over 6 months consisting of an in-personmulti- day kick off at a rotating regional location, followed by individual coaching and access to the Admired Leadershipdigital library for one year.
Focuses on building cohort relationships and providinga foundation for the learning journey. Featuring keynote speakers and panelistswho touch on current challenges, leadership, behaviors, andmore. Participantswork with a CRAcoach to develop deeper self-awareness, a clearer understandingof their interpersonal skills, and leadership styles. The global cohort connectswomen in leadership across functions, who can form relationshipsand network during and after their time in the program. Participants are given 1-year access to a digital library curatedwith around 100+ leadershipbehaviors and actions to growwithin each.
Kick-Off Event
1:1 Individual Coaching
Cohort Connections
Digital Library Access
Normandy Experience to Lead
Journey through the strategic development, deployment and action of the D-Day landings and refresh your capabilities of managing complexity and leading in a VUCA environment. Participantswill learn strategies for breaking down silos and leading change through people. Teaching leaders how to apply proven tools and concepts to: • Creating organizational alignment through influencing tactics. • Building group cohesion and inclusive leadership. • Managing complexity through strategy and decision making.
Audience • Intended for plantmanagers, functional VP’s and VP GM’s. a Registration 15 seat capacity per cohort and determined through BUTalent Director nomination. Cost Estimated $9,000 USD based on 13 participants* Travel not included; €308/per night room cost * Cost to decrease if class size of 15 ismet .
Partner: WDHB, Experience to Lead
Normandy Experience to Lead
This is a 4-day intensive experiential program in Normandy, France. Themes of the program include: collaboration, the importance of selecting the right people to break through organizational barriers of bias, how to seek out diverse people with varied backgrounds to generate fresh thinking, reflection on what they want to be known for as a leader, and more.
Impactful On-Site Experiences
A series of historical site visits combine history and knowledge from D-Daywith critical leadership lessons.
Cohort Connections
The global cohort connects leaders across functions, who can form relationships and network during and after their time in the program.
Immersive Belief Behavior Application
Each element of the program connects on a deeper level back to the BorgWarner Beliefs and Behaviors, helping to shape the actions and thought processes that exist in strong leadership.
Encore Experience to Lead
Create organizational harmony by gleaning insights and real-life examples from the music industry. Leaderswill learn how to apply the foundations of songwriting, such as giving others a voice, personal risk taking, and leadingwith empathy to their teams and organizations. Teaching leaders how to apply proven tools and concepts to: • Identify their own values- considering how their behaviors as a leader reflect their values • Begin to craft a leadership philosophy to guide their actions in a positive manner • Achieve critical business objectives and build high performing teams Audience • Intended for plantmanagers, functional VP’s and VP GM’s. Registration
15 seat capacity per cohort and determined through BUTalent Director nomination. Cost 2023 TBD Travel not included
Partner: WDHB, Experience to Lead
Encore Experience to Lead
This is a 3-day intensive experiential program in Nashville, Tennessee USA. Participants will learn how to create a community of support for those who don’t often get the chance to be in spotlight, how collaborating with people from all backgrounds with curiosity, vulnerability and courage can create better results, and work with songwriters to generate ideas and create an environment of psychological safety as they write their own original songs.
Impactful On-Site Experiences
Journey through a variety of music- based experiences in Nashville (Music City USA) that connect leadership, service, and psychological safety to the BorgWarner Beliefs. The global cohort connects leaders across functions, who can form relationships and network during and after their time in the program. Each element of the program connects on a deeper level back to the BorgWarner Beliefs and Behaviors, helping to shape the actions and thought processes that exist in strong leadership.
Cohort Connections
Immersive Belief Behavior Application
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