2023 Corporate Leadership Catalog

Women’s Executive Forum Experience This programtakes place over 6 months consisting of an in-personmulti- day kick off at a rotating regional location, followed by individual coaching and access to the Admired Leadershipdigital library for one year.

Focuses on building cohort relationships and providinga foundation for the learning journey. Featuring keynote speakers and panelistswho touch on current challenges, leadership, behaviors, andmore. Participantswork with a CRAcoach to develop deeper self-awareness, a clearer understandingof their interpersonal skills, and leadership styles. The global cohort connectswomen in leadership across functions, who can form relationshipsand network during and after their time in the program. Participants are given 1-year access to a digital library curatedwith around 100+ leadershipbehaviors and actions to growwithin each.

Kick-Off Event

1:1 Individual Coaching

Cohort Connections

Digital Library Access

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